$4.1 Billion In Four Months Given to Various Charities

In the last four months, McKenzie Scott, the World’s 18th richest person, has given away $4.1 billion to 384 organizations. 

January 1, 2021

In the last four months, McKenzie Scott, the World’s 18th richest person, has given away $4.1 billion to 384 organizations throughout the US, Puerto Rico, and Washington DC as part of her giving pledge she announced in 2019. Two Texas universities that serve students of color were included: Prairie View A & M University, a historically Black university received a $50 million donation, and Texas A & M International University in Laredo, which primarily serves Hispanic students received $40 million.

In July, Scott posted to Medium, (116 Organizations Driving Change. Every one of them would benefit from… | by MacKenzie Scott | Medium) reflecting on the year and how the level of inequality during the pandemic affected her by seeing how communities have used their assets to offer opportunities to those who were struggling. She then donated $1,675,620,000 to 116 organizations with various causes including Racial Equality, Climate Change, and Economic Mobility, just to name a few.

Then she did it again, but bigger…

In her most recent post, (384 Ways to Help | by MacKenzie Scott | Dec, 2020 | Medium) Scott detailed the idea for her reason to give while reflecting on poetry by Emily Dickenson she read during her own personal isolation while quarantined. Again, motivated by the abundance of communities helping each other, Scott partnered with her advisors and accelerated her donations taking a “data-driven approach to identifying organizations with strong leadership teams and results.”

Considering organizations operating in communities facing high food insecurity, high measures of racial inequality, high local poverty rates, and low access to philanthropic capital, (one might say that she is trying to even the scale of donations to be dispersed among those organizations that may not always have the means to raise or collect donations). Scott and her team diligently researched and vetted each organization, ultimately choosing 384. All donations are given with complete trust of how the money would be used - absolutely no strings attached - and all upfront.

Small gestures have big impacts, efforts are appreciated, positivity is contagious and motivating. 

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